headers Directory Reference


file  dgramclient.hpp [code]
file  dgramoverstream.hpp [code]
file  epoll.hpp [code]
 [LINUX-only] epoll API abstraction layer.
file  exception.hpp [code]
file  framing.hpp [code]
 Declarations of framing functions.
file  inetbase.hpp [code]
file  inetclientdgram.hpp [code]
file  inetclientstream.hpp [code]
file  inetdgram.hpp [code]
file  inetserverdgram.hpp [code]
file  inetserverstream.hpp [code]
file  libinetsocket.h [code]
 Contains all functions available in the C libsocket.
file  libunixsocket.h [code]
file  select.hpp [code]
 Contains the class selectset which provides a neat interface for watching several sockets.
file  socket.hpp [code]
file  streamclient.hpp [code]
file  unixbase.hpp [code]
file  unixclientdgram.hpp [code]
file  unixclientstream.hpp [code]
file  unixdgram.hpp [code]
file  unixserverdgram.hpp [code]
file  unixserverstream.hpp [code]